Security Tech Space

National strategic cybersecurity initiative

The vision of Security Tech Space is to lead the way and set the standards for future cybersecurity solutions. Our consortium for cyber and information security is a collaboration that aims to enable public and private organisations to meet their high cybersecurity ambitions.

Joint collaboration on cybersecurity

Denmark is one of the world’s leading nations when it comes to digitalisation. However, a high level of digitalisation makes us more vulnerable to threats, including those posed by criminal groups and hostile nations seeking to exploit weaknesses in our digital infrastructure.

Security Tech Space is a national strategic initiative that is dedicated to strengthening Denmark’s defence against cyber threats – not only in the military and corporate sectors but also in SMEs, which are often more vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Security Tech Space is located in Aarhus that is home to numerous tech companies and start-ups specialised in cutting-edge cyber solutions. The cybersecurity environment in Aarhus is known for its strong collaborative culture where public and private actors join forces to create growth and innovation.

Based on this ecosystem, the ambition of Security Tech Space is to create a national ecosystem for cybersecurity that will position Denmark as one of Europe’s leading nations in cybersecurity.

Our focus areas

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Innovation lab

OUR GOAL IS to make the latest research and development facilities available with the aim of… 

  • nurturing business ideas that have the potential to enhance cybersecurity.
  • assist startups in transforming ideas into commercially viable opportunities.
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Matchmaking and talent

OUR GOAL IS to facilitate matchmaking between students and companies with the aim of… 

  • providing companies with easier access to talent and knowledge. 
  • strengthening mutual competence development.
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Knowledge and advice

OUR GOAL IS to provide knowledge and advice to companies and organisations through…

  • municipal cybershield and SMV:CERT.
  • training, further education and information meetings.

Security Tech Space Initiative

Cyber Campus Denmark

educational cybersecurity shield

A major step in our journey towards positioning Denmark as a leading nation in cybersecurity is to strengthen education and research. Therefore, Security Tech Space, Aarhus University and other business partners have established Cyber Campus Denmark – an educational cybersecurity shield.

The purpose is to:

  • strengthen education, research and innovation in cyberseucrity
  • strengthen the Danish defence industry in the cybersecurity field

By establishing a 10-month civil cyber conscription and a credit-bearing advanced program as an addition to the conscription, Denmark will be able to educate a new generation and shape the future cyber defence.

Hence, Denmark will continually evolve its defence by investing in the education of talented young individuals and providing them with future career opportunities in national security.

Peer H. Kristensen, Security Tech Space
With the establishment of Security Tech Space, we aim for Denmark to lead the way in cybersecurity. By joining forces in research, innovation and business development, we have built a strong foundation.
Follow us – or join Security Tech Space. 

Peer H. Kristensen, Director, Security Tech Space